It is perfectly natural to desire food. It is your body’s manner of asking you to fuel it up. Nevertheless, if you crave food shortly after you eat, there are good chances you can gain more weight. In situations like these the most effective appetite suppressant can help. However before you try it, read on to know what these are and how they work.
Prescription Appetite Suppressants
These are medications designed to deter appetite and help you in losing weight. The Food and Drugs Association has authorized these drugs that get with the doctor’s prescription only.
You can take this in the injection form. It was sold as a treatment for diabetes also. The medication deadens appetite by working on a gut hormone.
This contains two drugs and it can also affect the hormones in your brain, therefore consuming some kinds of food that normally made you feel nice no longer does. It also affects the hypothalamus, which is a part of your brain. It regulates body temperature, appetite, and a lot of other processes.
This is a combination of two medications. It is a drug that can make you feel full all the time and less hungry. Topiramate is a medication used for headaches and seizures, however, as part of this medicine combination with phentermine, it can make you less hungry and give you the feeling of more fullness.
There are few more drugs such as phendimetrazine, phentermine, diethylpropion, and benzphetamine, these can be used only for up to twelve weeks.
You might have learned about another medication the FDA has authorized to deal with obesity, it is called orlistat, however, it does not suppress appetite. It functions by deterring the body from consuming fat from the diet you consume. The brand name for the prescription appetite suppressant is known as Xenical.
Other supplements are supposed to be suppressants for appetite. These drugs are not categorized as medications by the FDA, and they have not been studied before they come to the market. There aren’t any appetite suppressants over the counter that are authorized by the FDA.